£0.89 Per Ticket
- Wee Claire
Ticket number: 506
Answer: Berlin - baz5purs
Ticket number: 508
Answer: Berlin - aimeecwarke
Ticket number: 762
Answer: Berlin - caitlinheron14
Ticket number: 500
Answer: Berlin - k.a.parkin97
Ticket number: 750
Answer: Berlin - zoe.mccullough17
Ticket number: 1000
Answer: Berlin
Congratulations to all winners!!
Instant Ticket Wins!
No need to wait for the draw date! - 4 Instant Wins! Randomly draw any of the following tickets numbers and win the prize!
£50 cash
Caitlin Heron
#500 - £50 cash
Katie Clewlow
#750 - £50 cash
Zoe McCullough
#1000 - £50 cash
About This Competition
This competition will have 3 winners of £100 cash!
There is also 4 instant wins of £50 cash to be won before the draw!
1 ticket gives you 7 potential chances of winning cash!
89p to enter!